Dirijorul Orchestrei Accademiei di Santa Cecilia, Antonio (Sir Tony) Pappano, fiu de italieni stabiliți la Londra și descoperit tocmai de Barenboim, în 1993, la Bayreuth. Barenboim urma să dirijeze Inelul Nibelungilor, Pappano se încălzea pentru a putea acompania o solistă. L-a plăcut și l-a făcut asistentul său.
Barenboim la prima lui dragoste, pianul. Mi-am un loc ales strategic (de câte ori merg la un concert de pian caut loc la galerie, în spatele pianistului, ca să văd mai bine, Scufiță Roșie, mâinile pianistului). Acum mă interesa și privirea: Barenboim e dirijor, și am ales un loc la ceea ce se numește aici contragalerie (în spatele scenei).
Cât să văd dirjorul de la pian, întors către vioara întâi, când nu cânta, sau cu ochii pe instrumentele de suflat.
Pappano dirijor, Barenboim solist dar, cu mai mult decât inima, dirijor.
Aplauze și, chiar dacă mulți alți soliști o fac, gestul patern cu care Barenboim îi ridică în picioare pe membrii Orchestrei mi se pare înălțător.
Termin cu citatul care m-a inspirat să scriu despre concert, postat de Ana-Maria Onisei pe Facebook.
„I played the first movement of Schumann's
Sonata in F Sharp. As the echo of the last note faded away, I lifted my
gaze to Leon Fleisher. Behind the square lenses of his eyeglasses, his
expression was inscrutable. I did not look away, I waited.
"Do you think the piano should sound like a piano or like an orchestra?", he asked me abruptly and in a loud voice so that everyone could hear. Why had he asked that question? There was not a single ounce in my being that was not convinced of the answer. (...)
"Last night when you played Ravel's Concerto for the Left Hand you had more colors in your playing than the entire orchestra."
Leon Fleisher looked at me and muttered into his beard: "Don't embarrass me." (...)
And when, several months later, Daniel Barenboim advised me to go to work with Fleisher in Baltimore, my reaction was swift and stubborn.
- Hélène Grimaud, in "Wild Harmonies. A Life of Music and Wolves"
"Do you think the piano should sound like a piano or like an orchestra?", he asked me abruptly and in a loud voice so that everyone could hear. Why had he asked that question? There was not a single ounce in my being that was not convinced of the answer. (...)
"Last night when you played Ravel's Concerto for the Left Hand you had more colors in your playing than the entire orchestra."
Leon Fleisher looked at me and muttered into his beard: "Don't embarrass me." (...)
And when, several months later, Daniel Barenboim advised me to go to work with Fleisher in Baltimore, my reaction was swift and stubborn.
- Hélène Grimaud, in "Wild Harmonies. A Life of Music and Wolves"
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